About AMO

Combining safety and reliability with SOP

AMO factory employs around 50 talents in the tire valve industry to manufacture the safest & reliability valves with SOP


Over 10 Years Of Experience

AMO, a renowned tire valve manufacturer based in China, has been steadfastly providing top-notch safety tire valves and exceptional service since 2009. With a decade of unwavering commitment, AMO stands as a testament to the adage “Old is gold,” embodying the virtues of experience, maturity, and continued excellence.

Standard Operating Procedure

To manufacture all the valves extremely same, we built a productively SOP after importing the most advanced production equipment by our talented engineers. This is why AMO family grow into a global company. Quantitative the test standard was the most important job we did last year. It solved the problem which has plagued the valve industry long.

size inspect
process vulcanize

Experienced Workers

Craftsmanship forms the foundation of our company. We proudly identify as craftspeople, embodying our fervor for crafting robust tire valves. Our commitment to refining the manufacturing process drives us to propel your projects to success. We firmly believe that only the most proficient staff can exceed customers’ expectations for perfection. This is why AMO continuously expands its team of valve experts within our industry.

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